Chicago Theatre Review

Monthly Archives: February 2014

Fast and Furious Storytelling

February 1, 2014 Comments Off on Fast and Furious Storytelling

Sideshow Theatre Company presents The Golden Dragon

GoldenDragon-2The Golden Dragon knocks you off your feet faster than an order of Thai food extra hot. The play takes a surreptitious route to getting to its dark message, but when the production is done, you are left speechless. The story takes place around a restaurant called The Golden Dragon that serves Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese food.  The four restaurant employees are dealing with a recently hired Chinese boy whose tooth needs to be pulled out.  But around this central plot, there are multiple other story lines going on. There is a young couple who is unexpectedly pregnant, a couple who are breaking up, a pair of stewardesses eating dinner in The Golden Dragon, plus a few more characters. The ensemble cast bounces around inside characters like pinballs.   The whole production is only a little over an hour and all of the story threads come together almost violently by the ending.

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